♥ happy hippie family ♥

Liza Herlin Cecilgard

Yogateacher I Austria-Sweden

Yoga found me about 13 years ago.

20 something young girl, lost her soul in London and I guess looking back at it now, I was searching my soul and I found yoga.

So I got curious and went.

I was intrigued and kept coming back for more. There was no turning back.

I was hooked on “that” feeling. I can’t describe it.

 Yoga doesn’t make me feel just one thing, it always brings up everything.

So therefore I can’t tell you, you have to try it out for yourself, find your own yoga.

My yoga and my life is very unbalanced/balanced.

Meaning: I LOVE my life. My crazy life.

My family, the dog, the mountains, nature, cook and heck I even love to party once in a while! It puts a smile on my face and it makes me the human I am.

 Seven years ago I had the big privilege to jump on a Teacher Trainer Course that was being held at The Yoga Farm in Costa Rica, where we as a family sometimes live.

 It was a life changing event; hard work, lots of fun and just the right step at the right time.

I am so unbelievably happy that I had the opportunity to finish that course, it changed my whole life and brought a lot of meaning to where I was and where I am today.

 The whole point of me coming back to the practice of yoga, is that:

(Because I keep on doing just that: coming back.)

 It’s the allowance of me being allowed to BE myself and to feel all the feels and get right back there of where I need to be, which is here, in the now, with my body.

However cliche those words are, they are true.

At least, for me.